Why did you create this site?
I am a physician (board certified psychiatrist, osteopath, integrative doc with emphasis in Ayurveda) and a DJ/producer as well as event promoter. Hence, my passion for music and medicine merge into this endeavor.
The idea for the site was created when I learned and witnessed how taxing it can be for the touring artist after I hosted two touring downtempo producers for a few days in my residence as they prepared for several gigs that week. A well known psytrance DJ/producer friend shared with me the demands of being in in the industry from long distance travel to gigs, sleep deprivation, airport diets and ear fatigue in loud clubs.
History is replete with examples of gifted musicians (Michael Jackson, Kurt Cobain, Prince, AVICII ) prematurely dying from the stressors of a musician's touring life.
I was shocked to discover the trials and tribulations of the DJ/producer lifestyle when I read the eye-opening article by the journalist and DJ, Marcus Barnes: "In Sickness and in Health: MEOKO Investigates the Pitfalls of the DJ Lifestyle…” which was instrumental in the creation of this web site.
Additionally, Resident Advisor’s “Between the Beats” video articles by artists (such as Nina Kraviz and Motor City Drum Ensemble) illustrate a vivid picture of the trials and tribulations of the touring life.
What is the HWDJ Mission?
The aim is to provide wellness information so that touring DJ/producers can deploy efficient “hacks” for balancing work with their mental, physical and spiritual health.
How do you guys make money for this site?
This site does not. I (Dr. Umee Dee) launched it mainly so that it would be of service for traveling DJs/artists.